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Views on regulatory activities related to Automated Driving
Document GRVA-14-31
23 September 2022
Submitted by CLEPA and OICA
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
4. (e) | Coordination of work on automation between working parties (GRs)

45. The expert from OICA presented GRVA-14-31, recalling the suggestion of the automotive industry to target end of 2025 for the development of an internationally harmonized certification scheme for Automated Driving Systems. He presented recommendations regarding the development of vehicle categories regarding ADS. He also provided ideas of relevance in the context of the screening and review of the UN Global Technical Regulations (UN GTRs) and UN Regulations under the purview of GRVA regarding their fitness for ADS.

46. The expert from the Netherlands, Co-Chair of the IWG on VMAD, noted the interest of the industry for an internationally harmonized certification scheme for ADS. He stated that the IWG on VMAD was not likely to be ready to cover all use cases and vehicle categories by the end of 2025 and that there was no commitment at this stage to meet that date.

47. The expert from Canada, Co-Chair of the IWG on VMAD, recalled the recent extension of the IWG on VMAD. He agreed with his colleague from the Netherlands. He stated that the work was ongoing, and that the industry should adapt its timeline too. He suggested that WP.29 be consulted about the proposal to address the vehicle categories for ADS. He advised that the screening of the UN GTRs and UN Regulations should not be euro- centric. He warned that any acceleration request or disruption could affect the progress of the IWG on VMAD. He suggested that the industry should join the IWG on VMAD meetings to present the state-of-the-art technology, the obstacles, how the industry deals with safety before performing trials or before hitting the market.

48. The Secretary recalled GRVA that the Working Party on General Safety provisions (GRSG) was in charge of the resolutions that include definitions for the vehicle categories and suggested to liaise with that working party.

49. The expert from ITU considered that GRVA did not have the time to address every topic. He suggested to concentrate on conventional vehicles that include an ADS.

50. The expert from SAE International mentioned that vehicle categories might even have an impact on Vehicle Identification Numbers (VIN).

51. GRVA requested the Chair to consult AC.2 and WP.29 at their November 2022 sessions on the way to address the question of vehicle categories for automated vehicles.

52. The expert from the European Commission’s Joint Research Center, Chair of the IWG on VMAD subgroup three, explained that the European Union (EU) recently adopted a EU Regulation that covered among others the (small series) approval of driverless shuttles, a first and very good example of the principles application of the New Assessment Test Method applying the Multi Pillar Approach of GRVA. She volunteered to present this regulation at the next IWGs on FRAV and VMAD meetings.

53. The expert from OICA stated, in response to the Co-Chairs of IWG on VMAD, the importance to recognize the need for prompt action. He acknowledged the role of GRSG on vehicle categories, noted the specificities of ADS and called on GRVA to provide assistance to GRSG. He thanked the expert from EU to highlight the work done at the EU level and acknowledged that many aspects of this work were closely linked to the IWGs on FRAV/VMAD activities; therefore discussion and exchange would be interesting. He confirmed that the work done on the screening of UN Regulations and UN GTRs was not Eurocentric.

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