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Automated Lane-Keeping Systems for Heavy-Duty Vehicles
Document GRVA-09-34
3 February 2021
Submitted by CLEPA and OICA
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
4. (d) UN Regulation on Automated Lane Keeping System

23. The expert from OICA introduced their proposal to extend the scope of UN Regulation No. 157 in ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2021/3 (amended by GRVA-09-19) and invited the GRVA expert to provide views and input on the questions in GRVA-09-34.

23bis. The expert from Korea noted that the time gap values were governed by traffic rules and that UN Regulation No. 157 took the reference deceleration values from UN Regulation No. 13- H. He suggested that the corresponding values in UN Regulation No. 13 should be used for heavy vehicles.

Relates to UN R157 |