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UN R157 special interest group: Notes from the 15 January 2021 meeting
Document GRVA-09-22
1 February 2021
Submitted by EC, Germany, and UK
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
4. (d) UN Regulation on Automated Lane Keeping System

19. The expert from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland introduced the report of the Special Interest Group on UN Regulation No. 157, provided in GRVA-09-22. He recalled the matters that the group was willing to address. He announced the ambition of the group to meet on a monthly basis and to complete its activities until September 2021. He also mentioned the workshop organized by the industry that discussed emergency vehicles and vehicle categories. GRVA agreed to keep ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2020/32 and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2020/33 as well as ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2021/2 and ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/2021/4 on the agenda for reference.

20. The expert from USA explained that in his opinion, there were two distinct activities. On one hand, activities related to scope extension to additional vehicle categories, speed increase and lane change for emergency situations. On the other hand, so called convenience lane changes that would fall in the remit of FRAV activities.

21. The expert from Japan supported the ongoing activities. He mentioned that the timeline was ambitious and would have to be adjusted as necessary to allow sufficient time for technical discussions and satisfactory coordination with the IWGs on FRAV and VMAD.

22. The expert from France fully supported the ongoing activities. He also noted that the timeline was ambitious but felt that it was necessary. He mentioned that the group did not discuss some important technical details such as speeds, accelerations, decelerations and the tyre performance. He explained that tyres were replaced in the lifetime of the vehicle and that the performance of tyre could vary, also in case of winter tyres installation, which has to be addressed as a safety risk. He wrote in the messaging system of the meeting that the IWG on FRAV could address this issue.

Relates to UN R157 |