Proposals to inhibit tampering with emissions systems and to facilitate detection of such tampering.
13. The representative from CITA introduced GRPE-79-05 proposing amendments to the 06 and 07 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 83. The representative from EC wondered if the proposed new paragraph 5.1.9. would not be more appropriate in UN Regulation No. 49 where there is evidence of Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) tampering of heavy-duty vehicle was better documented. The representative from CITA reckoned the issue with SCR tampering in heavy-duty applications was existing and documented and clarified the intention to amend UN Regulation No. 83 was to anticipate expected future issues for light-duty vehicles.
14. The representative from OICA stated the proposed amendment implied physical changes to existing vehicles for infrequent road worthiness tests. He added that such proposal does not make tampering more difficult. He said a better way would be to address the offer of tampering devices, for example following the initiative from Austria legally prohibiting the sale and advertisement of tampering devices. He did not support the proposal and encouraged closer collaboration with CITA to improve the situation of road-side and inspection tests. The representative from CITA agreed the proposal needed to be strengthened, and this proposal was a first step. He said that authorities performing road worthiness tests needed to be able to measure emissions to characterize tampering, which was not often the case today, partly because of lack of access to software and sensors signals of the vehicles.
15. The Chair highlighted undertaking the issue of tampering was an ample strategy needing diverse approaches to it, through vehicle design, PTI, roadside inspection, market availability, etc. and invited CITA to table a working document for the next session of GRPE in January 2020, in close collaboration with EC, OICA and other interested stakeholders.