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DETA Next Evolution
Document WP.29-176-18
9 November 2018

Proposal to use the DETA system to store up-to-date VIN-related information about permissible vehicle software including version numbers and integrity validation data and to provide this data to all relevant stakeholders including Approval Authorities, Technical Services and the Periodical Technical Inspection (PTI) in order to support use cases like certification, including the validation of the conformity of production, and market surveillance, including recalls and PTI.

Submitted by CITA
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
4.5. Development of an electronic database for the exchange of type approval documentation (DETA)

97. The representative of the European Union, on behalf of the Chair of the IWG on DETA, presented informal document WP.29-176-23. He mentioned that the expert from CITA offered to fund the development of the Declaration of Conformance (DoC) functionality in DETA as it may offer a platform for exchanging information about permissible vehicle software (including version numbers and integrity validation data) for various use cases and stakeholders including PTI and also for providing type approval information for the benefit of the PTI process as stated in WP.29-176-18.

98. The representative of OICA stated the highly confidential nature of documents stored in DETA and highlighted the need to create access rights that would respect their intellectual property and confidentiality. He proposed that WP.29 clarify who would be able to access the documents in DETA. The representative of Germany offered that IWG on DETA explore the possibility to organize a WebEx meeting to work on this issue and proposed that only type approval authorities should have access to the DETA, in a first stage.

99. The representative of France sought clarification whether the starting date for the use of DETA in its productive phase is meant to have an optional or mandatory nature.

100. The representative of Tunisia highlighted the importance to have secured and reliable access to trustworthy type approval documentation in the shortest time frame possible to allow the verification of authenticity of type approval documentation.

101. The representative of Spain requested further information on the status of the availability of a manual detailing the protocol to access and use DETA.

102. The representative from EuroMed mentioned that access to DETA was critical for all EuroMed countries and requested information on the ways to access to DETA.

103. The representative of Global NCAP explained, as an example, that South American countries envisaged applying United Nations regulations as an interim measure until they potentially accede to the 1958, 1997 and 1998 Agreements. He stated that these countries, not yet contracting party to the agreements would need access to DETA and that it might accelerate the adhesion process.

104. The secretariat invited the heads of delegations to provide the secretariat with the Single Point Of Contact (SPOC) on the designation of type approval authorities and technical services that would receive credentials for accessing the application for introducing new or changes to existing information.

105. The representative from CITA introduced a proposal for a next evolution of DETA by presenting WP.29-176-18 on individual vehicle specific information on permissible vehicle software. This would support the process of Periodic Technical Inspection (PTI) of modern vehicles, which is an important factor for road safety.

106. CITA confirmed its financial contribution for the development of the Document of Conformity (DoC) module of DETA without any preconditions.

107. The representative of the United Kingdom expressed, in principal, his agreement to the availability of software information (RxSWIN) for the purpose of PTI, nevertheless, questions on confidentiality and data security need to be solved first.

108. The representative of OICA recalled ongoing work in the Task Force on Cyber security, where software information is handled as software identifier RxSWIN, and introduced as part of the type approval certificate.

108 bis. The representative from the Netherlands supported this. The WP.29 Chair expressed the need for coordination between the Task Force on Cyber Security and the IWG on DETA on this issue.

109. Addressed by the WP.29 Chair on financial contributions to the further development of DATA for the module of the Unique Identifier (UI):

  1. CLEPA stated that a budget had been reserved and awaited the outcome of Executive Committee (EXCOM) discussions on the ECE budget proposal, an anticipated funding was envisaged for 2019;
  2. ETRTO confirmed its commitment to contribute to funding UI; and
  3. OICA reiterated their willingness to contribute to developing UI, if CLEPA, ETRTO and other stakeholders would do so.

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