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Presentation of the investigation into the collision between a coach and heavy truck and resulting fire
Document GRSG-113-23
6 October 2017
Submitted by France
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
2. (a) Amendments to regulations on buses and coaches: Regulation No. 107 (M2 and M3 vehicles)
2. (b) Amendments to regulations on buses and coaches: Regulation No. 118 (Burning behaviour of materials)

10. Referring to the final report (GRSG-113-05) and its summary (GRSG-113-04) on the severe collision between a coach and a heavy duty vehicle that occurred in Puisseguin (France) on 23 October 2015, the expert from France presented GRSG-113-23 on the research and conclusions of the final report. GRSG recognized the detailed work done by France and acknowledged the results of the technical investigation on this tragic accident. GRSG welcomed of the recommendations by the French investigation body listing a number of preventative measures to mitigate and even avoid such accidents in future. The expert from France suggested establishing an informal working group to develop concrete proposals for amendments to UN Regulations Nos. 107 and 118.

11. The expert from UK expressed his concerns about the serious accident and appealed for the responsibility of GRSG to take actions to avoid such accidents in future and to further strengthen the provisions on emergency exits, flammability of materials used in vehicles. The expert from Japan gave a presentation on their national requirements for emergency exits in school buses (GRSG-113-34) i.e. the mandatory installation of an emergency exit at the opposite side of the bus-entry.

12. The expert from the United States of America informed GRSG experts about some safety research conducted by his organization that was publicly available under docket NHTSA-2007-28793. He added that two further evacuation studies and a motorcoach wheel well fire simulation were also available in docket items 0024, 0022, 0026 and 0027. Furthermore, he referred to a NHTSA report on fire suppression and fire detection research.

13. Following the discussion, the Chair invited the expert from France to organize a task force meeting with all interested experts to investigate the need to set up a new Informal Working Group (IWG) on the behavior of the general construction of M2/M3 vehicles in case of a fire and also to develop, if necessary, the draft terms of reference and rules of procedures for consideration and adoption at the forthcoming session of GRSG.

Relates to UN R107 | UN R118 |