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Report to 171st WP.29 session from the 23rd IWVTA Informal Group meeting
Document WP.29-171-12
13 March 2017
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
4.1. | Status of the 1958 Agreement and of the annexed Regulations
4.2.2. | Guidance on amendments to Regulations annexed to the 1958 Agreement
4.3. | Development of the International Whole Vehicle Type Approval (IWVTA) system

60. The representative of Japan, on behalf of the Chair of the IWG on IWVTA, presented WP.29-171-12, on the progress made by the group at the recent meetings on the development of draft UN Regulation No. 0 on IWVTA and seeking guidance from WP.29 the language for application for approval and accompanying documentation. Referring to WP.29-171-11, he reiterated the intention of the IWG to submit a final proposal of the draft UN Regulation for consideration at the November 2017 session of WP.29. The secretariat was requested to circulate WP.29-171-11 with an official symbol at the next session of WP.29.

4.4. | Draft Revision 3 to the 1958 Agreement
Relates to 1958 Agreement | UN R0 |