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EU Regulation on AVAS requirements
Document GRB-65-05
2 March 2017

Presentation on the current European Commission draft proposal for the transposition of UN R138 regarding “quiet road transport vehicles” into EU law. The draft would require the audible alert signal to be activated at vehicle start-up, but would allow for use of a pause function activated by the driver. A fuller set of documents was provided for the 64th Technical Committee-Motor Vehicles session.

Submitted by EC
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
8. | Regulation No. 138 (Quiet road transport vehicles)

17. The expert from EC briefed GRB on preparing a new EU Regulation aimed to amend and supplement the Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System (AVAS) requirements in Annex VIII to EU Regulation No. 540/2014, based on the provisions of Regulation No. 138 and its 01 series of amendments (GRB-65-05). GRB noted the legal complications stemming from the fact that the so-called AVAS ‘pause switch’ was mandatory in EU Regulation No. 540/2014, optional in the original version of Regulation No. 138 and then prohibited in its 01 series of amendments.

Relates to UN R138 |