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Draft calendar of meetings of WP.29, GRs and Committees for 2017
Document WP.29-169-02
19 July 2016

Revised calendar of meetings following confirmation by the UNOG conference services bureau.

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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
2.2. | Programme of work and documentation

19. The World Forum noted the revised programme of work and documentation (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2016/1/Rev.1). The secretariat presented the list of working parties, informal working groups and chairmanship (based on WP.29-169-01) and the draft calendar of meetings of WP.29, GRs and committees for 2017 (based on WP.29-169-02). The World Forum noted WP.29‑169‑01 on the informal working groups and chairmanships of WP.29 and its subsidiary bodies as well as WP.29‑169‑02 on the calendar of meetings.

20. The secretariat was invited to consider rescheduling the March 2017 World Forum session to 14—17 March 2017 (see Annex III) to avoid overlap with the “Press Days” of the Geneva Motor show (7—8 March 2017)