23. The expert from Canada, Co-Chair of the IWG on VMAD, presented the progress report of the group (GRVA-11-37). He recalled the purpose of the ongoing activities and the corresponding deliverables expected from the group. He also recalled the structure of the New Assessment/Test Method (NATM) – Master document. He detailed the activities accomplished by the four VMAD subgroups. He concluded his report by summarizing the three main points the presentation: (a) substantial work has been accomplished on the second iteration of NATM; (b) the draft second iteration of the NATM Master Document would be submitted for consideration at the twelfth session of GRVA; and (c) FRAV and VMAD agreed to select a few concrete test cases to work on and to foster the existing synchronization between the two groups.
24. Several experts asked for clarifications about the envisaged dates for the document submission. It was clarified that the group expected to submit the document before end of October 2021, if possible as a complete and consolidated document.