Working Party on General Safety | Session 117 | 8-11 Oct 2019

The deadline for the submission of official working documents for this session is 12 July 2019.

Agenda Item 6. (a)
UN Global Technical Regulation No. 6 (Safety glazing)

20. The expert from India introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2019/35 to align UN Global Technical Regulation (GTR) No. 6 with UN Regulation No. 43 on the optional use of laminated-glass panes with improved mechanical properties, particularly for the front, exterior, forward-facing glazing of the upper deck of a double-deck vehicle. He highlighted that the document had already been considered at the last GRSG session.

21. GRSG adopted ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2019/35 and requested the secretariat to submit it to AC.3 as draft amendment to UN GTR No. 6 for consideration at its March 2020 sessions. The expert from India was invited to provide the secretariat with a technical report that would accompany the proposal within the deadline for the 180th WP.29 session (9 December 2019)

22. The expert from the Republic of Korea presented ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2019/33 as amended by GRSG-117-43 and GRSG-117-49 on the need to exempt in Zone I the possible opaque obscuration which is defined in paragraph of the annexes on installing laminated-glass panes. The expert from Germany clarified that there was no real difference between UN GTR No.6 and UN Regulation No.43 as the UN GTR would provide for two options while the UN Regulation would use only one of the options which was in accordance with the agreements.

23. GRSG adopted ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRSG/2019/33 as amended by GRSG-117-49 and requested the secretariat to submit it to AC.3 as draft amendment to UN GTR No. 6 for consideration at its March 2020 sessions. The expert from the Republic of Korea was invited to provide the secretariat with a technical report that would accompany the proposal within the deadline for the 180th WP.29 session (9 December 2019).