World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 177 | 11-15 Mar 2019
Agenda Item 2.4.
Follow-up to the eighty-first session of the Inland Transport Committee (ITC)

49. The secretariat presented the list of main decisions adopted at the eighty-first session of ITC (19-22 February 2019). Decisions Nos. 22, 23 and 27 were emphasized as of particular importance to the work of WP.29.

50. In decision No. 22, the ITC considered the status of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) in its work and that of its subsidiary bodies, and, among other considerations, decided to encourage continuation of the work of WP.29 on regulating autonomous/automated and connected vehicles.

51. In decision No. 23, the ITC welcomed the actions taken by Global Forum on Road Safety (WP.1) and WP.29 in the area of automated driving, including the organization of the joint event on the “Safe deployment of automated vehicles in traffic”, which resulted in a high profile and productive occasion to identify priority areas in the field of automated driving. The ITC Invited WP.1 and WP.29 to continue their close cooperation to facilitate the safe deployment of automated vehicles.

52. In decision No. 27, the ITC endorsed the transformation of the Working Party on Brakes and Running Gear (GRRF) to the Working Party on Autonomous/Automated Vehicles (GRVA), implementing the relevant ITC decision (ECE/TRANS/274, para 52). In the decision the ITC also endorsed amendments to the WP.29 terms of reference and rules of procedure, reflecting the transformation of GRRF to GRVA and other consequent adaptations, including the renaming of the Working Party on Noise (GRB) to Working Party on Noise and Tyres (GRBP), and the request for an additional session for GRVA in 2019. The ITC in its decision reiterated support for hosting the (DETA) at ECE; and requested financing of DETA under the United Nations budget.

53. The secretariat also introduced the main elements of the ITC strategy until 2030, including the vision, mission, strategic objectives, action plan, list of priorities and resource mobilization and partnership.