43. The GRE Ambassador on IWVTA activities introduced GRE-69-15 and GRE-69-16 on how GRE shall address the IWVTA related items. GRE noted that some of the component regulations were missing in the list proposed in GRE-69-15. GRE requested its Ambassador to submit an updated presentation for its October 2013 session.
44. The expert from Japan introduced GRE-69-23 proposing amendments to Regulation No. 4 taking into account national specificities of the Japanese registration plate. GRE wondered if it was necessary to add a new specific plate category into Regulation No. 4 or if an amendment of the existing dimensions would solve Japan’s issue. GRE agreed to revisit this item at its October session, based on an updated proposal that the expert from Japan volunteered to prepare.
45. The expert from Japan introduced GRE-69-24 proposing amendments to Regulation No. 48 taking into account specificities of the Japanese climate and Daytime Running Lamps (DRL), Rear Fog Lamps (RFL) and Headlamp cleaners (HLC) mandatory fitment. GRE noted that Regulation No. 48 already contained a provision in Footnote 14 allowing Contracting Parties not applying Regulation No. 87 (DRL) to prohibit the installation of DRL. GRE agreed to reconsider this subject at its October 2013 session on the basis of a revised proposal that the expert from Japan volunteered to prepare.