World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 176 | 12-16 Nov 2018
Agenda Item 2.3.
Intelligent Transport Systems and coordination of automated vehicles related activities

51. The Chair of GRVA introduced WP.29-176-28 which sets out the priority areas on which GRVA should focus. He explained that the document was based on WP.29-175-29 submitted jointly by Japan and the European Union. He reminded the World Forum of his consultation with the WP.29 delegations and explained that document WP.29-176-28 was an attempt to summarize the responses into strategic issues. He described several detailed topics such as cyber security and automated steering where discussions were well advanced but also mentioned ongoing discussions on the functional requirements of automated vehicles and consideration of a new approach to assessing their performance. He invited delegates to provide comments on his proposed list by mid-December 2018.

52. The representative of the Netherlands noted that WP.29-176-28 did not provide a general framework but that it specifically addressed GRVA activities. The Chair of WP.29 confirmed that the framework does indeed contain activities beyond those of GRVA.

53. The representative of CLEPA presented WP.29-176-24. He expressed full support to the new structure and encouraged WP.29 to effectively discuss the organization of automated vehicle related work. He stressed the need to complete the work of the IWG on Automatically Commanded Steering Function (ACSF).

54. The representative of the Russian Federation, Co-Chair of the IWG on Periodic Technical Inspection (PTI), proposed to note that work items related to requirements for automated vehicles in use, including PTI are important. The Chair confirmed that WP.29 considered this work as important and noted the activities, e.g. in IWG PTI.

55. The representative of ITU stated the need to consider the interaction of conventional vehicles with automated vehicles in traffic. The Chair of GRVA confirmed that GRVA was already considering it.

56. The representatives of Japan, the United States of America and the European Union thanked the Chair of GRVA for his proposal. They considered the general approach was appropriate, but advised that the World Forum should return to this issue in March 2019 once GRVA had considered this item again at its second session in January 2019. The delegate from China explained that he could not formally confirm his Government’s support for the proposals but would consult his experts. He sought clarification on how he could contribute before the December deadline. WP.29 welcomed a proposal from the secretariat to collate delegation’s contributions provided they are received by Friday 15 December 2018 (send to Thereafter, as proposed by the GRVA Chair, a videoconference would be held before the end of 2018, involving those delegation which had contributed written comments. WP.29 noted that the objective was to prepare a document for consideration at WP.29 and at AC.3 in March 2019 following review by GRVA at its second session.

57. The representative of China presented the position of his country on the organization and future work planning of GRVA reflected in WP.29-176-30, which was well received by WP.29.

58. The representative from Japan introduced WP.29-176-29 presenting Japan’s position on how to consider innovative validation method for safety of automated vehicle. He presented the outline of the Japanese guideline for safety technology for automated vehicles as well as considerations on how the safety evaluation should be discussed at GRVA. WP.29 noted with interest this presentation.

59. The representative of the World Blind Union stated the importance of the work on driverless vehicles as it could change the lives of millions of visually impaired persons. He mentioned the potential of these products: these vehicles could open new transport options and increase employment, education, or conditions of living of blind persons, etc. He highlighted the possible activities that would address the needs of the vision impaired community: appropriate human machine interface for interactions, including in case of emergency situations, or in case of events outside of the vehicle causing the vehicle to stop. He mentioned that, as these vehicles would likely park themselves, a means of helping to find the vehicles would be necessary. WP.29 noted the importance of considering these aspects in due time due to the huge potential for increasing individual mobility for impaired people.

60. The representative of the United Kingdom, Co-Chair of the IWG on ITS, recalled the outcome of the discussion at AC.2. WP.29 supported his proposal to prepare terms of reference for consideration at the March 2019 session of WP.29. He mentioned the activities of the UNECE secretariat together with the International Road Federation (IRF) and separately with the ITU on the preparation of the UNECE-IRF event on 4 December 2018 and the UNECE-ITU Future Networked Car event on 7 March 2019. WP.29 accepted his volunteering to coordinate the activities of WP.29 and to propose a WP.29 delegation at both events. He indicated the he would seek participation from all CPs, and thanked India and the United States of America for their interest in these activities.

61. Due to lack of time, WP.29 could not review documents WP.29-176-16 and WP.29-176-17. The representative of OICA proposed that the documents are reviewed at the next session of GRVA.

WP.29-175-29 1998 Agreement: Updated proposal for new priorities (EU and Japan)
WP.29-176-16 OICA priorities for Automated Driving (OICA)
WP.29-176-17 Data Storage System for Automated Driving (OICA)
WP.29-176-24 CLEPA position on automated vehicle responsibilities under WP.29 (CLEPA)
WP.29-176-28 Identified priority topics for automated /connected vehicles only
WP.29-176-29 How to consider innovative validation method for safety of automated vehicle (Japan)
WP.29-176-30 Proposals to the activities related to automated/autonomous driving within the framework of WP.29 and GRVA (China)