Working Party on Noise | Session 68 | 12-14 Sep 2018

The deadline for the submission of official working documents is 18 June 2018.

This session will address a major change in GRB responsibilities pursuant to the WP.29 decision to establish a Working Party on Automated Vehicles (GRVA) by a “conversion” of GRRF. As a result, WP.29 anticipates transforming GRB into GRBP (Groupe de Rapporteurs pour le Bruit et les Pneumatiques") with responsibility for tyre regulations. Please see agenda item 14 for further information.

Agenda Item 2.
UN Regulation No. 9 (Noise of three-wheeled vehicles)

3. The expert from the European Commission proposed to introduce additional sound emission provisions (ASEP) for L4 and L5 category vehicles with the power-to-mass ratio (PMR) of more than 50 W/kg (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRB/2018/7 and GRB-68-22). GRB adopted the proposals, as amended (Annex II), and requested the secretariat to submit them to WP.29 and to the Administrative Committee (AC.1) for consideration and vote at their March 2019 sessions as draft 08 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 9.

GRB-68-22 UN R9: Proposal for the 08 series of amendments (EC)
GRB/2018/7 UN R9: Proposal for a Supplement (EC)