World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 175 | 18-22 Jun 2018
Agenda Item 2.3.
Intelligent Transport Systems and automated vehicles

22. The Chair of the IWG on Intelligent Transport Systems and Automated Driving (ITS/AD) recalled the activities of the World Forum related to the definition of its priorities that resulted in a main focus on vehicle automation and environmental protection. The importance of vehicle automation had been highlighted within the ITC decision No. 19 requesting WP.29 to consider establishing a dedicated GR on this topic. He presented the three options emerging from the discussions at AC.2 (WP.29-175-25). He continued by highlighting the importance for WP.29 to quickly take a decision, as it was a growing topic of importance for governments, industry and society at large.

23. He stated that when exploring the three different options, it is important to keep in mind that a final solution should take into account the resource constraints.

24. The Chair of ITS, the Chair of WP.29 and the Chair of GRRF recalled the coordinating role of WP.29 and especially of the Administrative Committee for the Coordination of Work (AC.2) given by its composition as defined in Chapter IX of the Rules of Procedure for WP.29.

25. The representative of China stated that the priority for the country is to set up a new seventh GR. If it is not possible in the short term, the restructuration of GRRF into GRVA can be a temporary solution, while a new seventh GR should be established as the long-term solution. He also stressed the importance to harmonize regulations under both the 1958 and 1998 agreements, or at least under the 1998 agreement.

26. The representative of Australia noted the progress made through this proposal and stated that Australia supports the reshaping of GRRF as developed in the first option.

27. The representative of India welcomed the proposal of the first option as an immediate step, stating that all GRs are of equal importance, and that over the long term the most convenient solution would be the creation of a new GR.

28. The representatives of France, Japan and Switzerland supported the proposal of the first option, at this stage.

29. The representative of the Russian Federation mentioned that he did not have any principal objections against strengthening efforts to regulate autonomous transport in the Working Party that is suggested to be established on the basis of GRRF.  At the same time, the Russian Federation noted that the overall coordination between all the Working Parties was held by AC.2. Nevertheless, a more detailed study of the issue would require domestic discussions between the Russian authorities and other public bodies. In that respect, the Russian Federation reserved its final position on the issue.

30. The representative of the United States of America, concerned about the need to ensure clear coordination between the GRs, opposed adoption of Option 1 because it did not have a coordination role.

31. WP.29 delegates noted that, at the current stage of the process, the adoption of the document was a first step, subject to review within 12 months. WP.29 decided to monitor and review the functioning of the new structure, including the issues of coordination and allocation of resources.

32. The representative of the European Union called for a swift introduction of the revised structure as described in the first option and reiterated that, via the monitoring and review, a safeguard was given to adjust the structure, if necessary.

33. WP.29 adopted, in implementation of ITC decision No. 19, the conversion of GRRF into GRVA and the reallocation of certain tasks such as tyres and coupling devices to other existing GRs as outlined in the first option of informal document WP.29-175-25. GRVA will oversee the remaining topics from GRRF and encompass activities for autonomous, automated and connected vehicles and incorporate current activities, other than coordination, of the IWG ITS/AD. This decision will take effect immediately.

34. The representative of the United States of America reiterated her concern that the decision was made too quickly and on the basis of an informal document. The United States of America expressed concerns that this decision on an informal document appears to be inconsistent with the Rules under the Terms of Reference and Rules of procedure of the World Forum for Harmonization and Vehicle Regulations. The United States of America also did not agree that GRRF was transformed to GRVA.

35. To address her concern for coordination, WP.29 agreed to add the topic of automated activities management between the GRs to its agenda.

36. The secretariat presented informal document WP.29-175-20 on the creation of a new vehicle category related to vehicle automation as a basis for further discussion to be undertaken during the next session of WP.29 in November 2018, taking into account the advice to also consider, in parallel, changes to SR.1 under the 1998 agreement.

37. The secretariat presented the informal document WP.29-175-21 on artificial intelligence, which was welcomed by ITU.

38. WP.29 welcomed the presentation and referred the document to the Task Force on Automated Vehicle Testing.

39. The Chair of the IWG on ITS/AD reported on the outcome of its session of 21 June 2018. He mentioned the stimulating presentations from Mr. N. Beuse, Associate Administrator, Vehicle Safety Research, NHTSA, from Mr. M. Avery, Director, Thatcham Research, and from Mr. H. Tiesler-Wittig (GTB). He reported that the proposed ToR that had been drafted for the Task Force on Assessment of Automated Vehicles (AutoVeh) had not been adopted but had been referred to GRVA. He mentioned the presentation of the progress report of the Task Force on Cyber Security and Over-The-Air (CS/OTA).

40. WP.29 endorsed the proposal to extend the mandate of the Task Force CS/OTA until 31 December 2018. WP.29 noted that this session was the last of the IWG on ITS/AD for the time being and thanked Dr. M. Sekine, Secretary of the IWG on ITS/AD for his continuous support for the IWG on ITS/AD.

41. The Chair of WP.29 reported on the outcome of the WP.1/WP.29 Task Force meeting of 21 June 2018 on preparation for a joint meeting related to automated driving . He mentioned that the meeting had been fruitful, and had agreed to organize a joint side event at the February 2019 session of ITC, if possible.

42. WP.29 requested the secretariat to note the necessary corrections to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2018/1/Rev.1 in the report to reflect the decision on GRVA in para. 33, (see annex VII). WP.29 also requested the secretariat to prepare a consolidated version of the corrected document for the November 2018 session.

WP.29-175-08 Automated Driving: Proposals for autonomous driving vehicle issue (China)
WP.29-175-20 RE3: Proposal for amendments
WP.29-175-21 Artificial Intelligence and vehicle regulations
WP.29-175-25 Automated Vehicles: Creation of a dedicated GR working group
WP.29-175-33 Automated Driving Systems: A Vision for Safety (NHTSA and USA)
WP.29-175-34 NHTSA Research Overview: Automation, ADAS, and Human Factors (NHTSA and USA)