39. The Chair of the IWG on ITS/AD reported on the outcome of its session of 21 June 2018. He mentioned the stimulating presentations from Mr. N. Beuse, Associate Administrator, Vehicle Safety Research, NHTSA, from Mr. M. Avery, Director, Thatcham Research, and from Mr. H. Tiesler-Wittig (GTB). He reported that the proposed ToR that had been drafted for the Task Force on Assessment of Automated Vehicles (AutoVeh) had not been adopted but had been referred to GRVA. He mentioned the presentation of the progress report of the Task Force on Cyber Security and Over-The-Air (CS/OTA).
40. WP.29 endorsed the proposal to extend the mandate of the Task Force CS/OTA until 31 December 2018. WP.29 noted that this session was the last of the IWG on ITS/AD for the time being and thanked Dr. M. Sekine, Secretary of the IWG on ITS/AD for his continuous support for the IWG on ITS/AD.