Discussion document prepared by the WP.29 secretariat.
21. The expert from UK presented the developments in 2018 on the creation of the Task Force on Automated Vehicle Testing (“AutoVeh”) and its two subgroups called “SG-1” and “SG-2”, established under WP.29. He presented that the aim of these groups was to develop a novel innovative concept for the assessment of Automated Driving technologies. He recalled that Terms of Reference (ToR) for this group were not adopted and that “AutoVeh” was transferred to GRVA in June 2018 (including the corresponding draft ToR). The expert from Japan reported on the status of the discussions in the groups and presented slide 3 in GRVA-01-35. GRVA agreed that the parent group (“AutoVeh”) would no longer be needed as the management of SG-1 and SG-2 would take place at GRVA.
22. The expert from Japan Co-Chair of “AutoVeh” presented ToR of both Subgroups (GRVA-01-07 and GRVA-01-11). The expert from EC sought clarity on the scope of SG-1 and on possible overlap with IWG on ACSF. The expert from China mentioned the lack of clarity of the proposed structure and proposed to classify existing and new work items to create groups with sufficient compatibility for existing and new ones in the future. He also mentioned the challenges related to the work on simulation and on-road testing due to the differences in traffic conditions and traffic rules within the contracting parties. He recommended to not endorse the ToRs proposed at this session. The expert from Germany asked about potential work duplications and asked whether GRVA or WP.29 already agreed on the three pillars concept mentioned in the ToR. The expert from Japan answered the questions.
23. After discussion, GRVA did not endorse GRVA-01-07 and GRVA-01-11 but, noting arrangements were already in place for further meetings, agreed that the groups continue to work until the next GRVA session. GRVA suggested that the group should refine the ToR to develop the novel innovative concept to verify the compliance with technical requirements (such as those developed within the IWG on ACSF) and demonstrate the validity of the new approach. The group should also prepare a full discussion on the three pillars approach and start working.
24. The secretariat recalled the decision of WP.29 to defer the document on artificial intelligence and vehicle regulations (WP.29-175-21) to SG-1.
37. The secretariat presented the informal document WP.29-175-21 on artificial intelligence, which was welcomed by ITU.
38. WP.29 welcomed the presentation and referred the document to the Task Force on Automated Vehicle Testing.