Working Party on Brakes and Running Gear | Session 86 | 12-16 Feb 2018

The deadline for the submission of official working documents is 20 November 2017.

Agenda Item 12. (d)
Other business: Any other business

58. The expert from Norway presented GRRF-86-30, reporting on the investigation of road crashes that involved trucks with potential issues related to the mechanical failure of the steering gear. GRRF invited its experts to review crash data available and agreed to further discuss this issue at its September 2018 session.

59. GRRF learned that Jochen Schaefer (Bosch, CLEPA) would no longer attend the sessions of GRRF as he would enter the passive phase of his partial retirement agreement with his employer. GRRF congratulated him for his outstanding contributions to GRRF and wished him all the best for his future retirement.

GRRF-86-19 UN R89: Implementation under the European Agreement on ADR
GRRF-86-30 UN R79: Protection of steering gear in a collision (Norway and NPRA)