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UN R89: Implementation under the European Agreement on ADR
Document GRRF-86-19
8 February 2018

The European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR) requires vehicles to be equipped with a speed limitation device compliant with UN R89. UN R89 refers to speed limitation devices (SLD) and speed limitation functions (SLR) (i.e., aims to be technologically neutral). Russia requests GRRF confirmation that compliance with UN R89 can be achieved through either an SLD or SLF.

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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
12. (c) ADR and UN R89 compliance

57. The expert from the Russian Federation introduced GRRF-86-19, inviting delegates to confirm the type of speed limitation systems requested for vehicles type approved for the transport of dangerous goods as specified in the European Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR). GRRF confirmed that a vehicle equipped with a Speed Limitation Function would be in compliance with ADR Section 9.2.5 similarly to a vehicle equipped with a Speed Limitation Device.

12. (d) Other business: Any other business

59. GRRF learned that Jochen Schaefer (Bosch, CLEPA) would no longer attend the sessions of GRRF as he would enter the passive phase of his partial retirement agreement with his employer. GRRF congratulated him for his outstanding contributions to GRRF and wished him all the best for his future retirement.

Relates to UN R89 |