IWVTA Subgroup on Regulation 0 | Session 22 | 9 Nov 2016
Agenda Item 6.
Review the updated Q&A document on UN R0 and IWVTA
SGR0-22-05 Addressing changes between U-IWVTA and L-IWVTA (Japan)
SGR0-22-05/Rev.1 Addressing changes between U-IWVTA and L-IWVTA (OICA)
SGR0-22-05/Rev.2 Addressing changes between U-IWVTA and L-IWVTA (OICA)
SGR0-22-06 Transposition of IWVTA into national/regional WVTA (OICA)
SGR0-22-07 Q&A document to explain UN R0 and IWVTA (OICA)
SGR0-22-07/Rev.1 Q&A document to explain UN R0 and IWVTA (OICA)