World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 168 | 8-11 Mar 2016
Agenda Item 2.3.
Intelligent Transport Systems and automated vehicles

17. The representative of the United Kingdom, co-chairing the IWG on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), gave a status report on the Group’s activities. He reported that the IWG convened on Wednesday, 9 March 2016 from 2.30 to 5:15 p.m. with the following intervention:
a) The representative of Finland, Ambassador of the IWG on ITS/AD gave a status report of the activities of WP.1, see para. 89.
b) The technical secretary of the IWG presented a proposal with definitions of Automated Driving and on major horizontal issues and legal obstacles related to Automated Driving.
c) The IWG discussed a proposal for guidelines on measures insuring cybersecurity and data protection of connected vehicles and vehicles with automated driving technologies, submitted by the representatives of Germany and Japan.
d) The representative of France presented GRRF-81-14 advocating for a regulatory structure differing from the one chosen by the IWG on Automated Commended Steering Function (ACSF), noting that this approach could be followed in a second step.
e) The Chair of the ISO Technical Committee 22 on Road Vehicles presented the relevant activities of ISO related to automated driving technologies and indicated the existing collaborations with SAE International. The representative from ITU made a presentation on secure vehicle software updates. The IWG concluded that further coordination would be needed to ensure that the international organizations ITU and ISO could deliver complementary input for the work done at the World Forum on ITS/AD.

18. The representative of the Republic of Korea made an intervention (WP.29-168-19) on the policy of his country on Automated Driving, highlighting the coordination role of the World Forum. He mentioned the Republic of Korea’s five-year plan for Automated Driving as well as the corresponding implementation road map. He added that the Republic of Korea welcomed and fully supported the initiative taken by WP.29 to lead the discussion on automated vehicle and to involve other relevant bodies such as WP.1 and ITU to expand the scope of discussion. He concluded that his country was ready to play a role in WP.29 activities on automated vehicle.

19. The representative of China reported (WP.29-168-20) on the strong interest of his country for Intelligent and Connected Vehicles (ICV) and the activities of the National Technical Committee of Auto Standardization (NTCAS) that support ICV development and to establish a scientific ICV standard and regulation system. He kindly invited the representatives of the World Forum to participate in the “Second International Symposium on Intelligent and Connected vehicles Technologies and Standards and Regulations (ICV 2016)” from 7-8 June 2016 in Shanghai, China.

GRRF-81-14 Presentation of French views on the regulation of automatically commanded steering functions (France)
WP.29-168-19 Intervention of the representative of the Republic of Korea (Korea)
WP.29-168-20 Invitation to the 2nd International Symposium on Intelligent and Connected Vehicles Technologies & Standards and Regulations (ICV 2016) (CATARC and China)