Informal Group on Gaseous Fueled Vehicles | Session 43 | 13 Jan 2016
Agenda Item 4.2.
Next steps for a final (working) document on Engine Dual-Fuel Retrofit Systems

Next steps for a final (working) document on Engine Dual-Fuel Retrofit Systems

14. Mr. Rijnders stressed that OEM D-F vehicles are not yet on the market so retrofit systems approval is important. The Informal Document GRPE-72-12 has been introduced to the GRPE for discussion this week. Diagrams on the application range and system family has been added to help clarify the complexities of type approval for the type approval authorities.

15. Annex 1 Appendix 4 (compliance statement) has not yet been discussed at length but is a very important element. A ‘good faith’ declaration must be made by the system manufacturer that all their systems meet the relevant emissions limits. This is added as an example and should also include the list of actual applications.

16. Text on the Installation Manual has been provided but will need further consideration.

GFV-43-04 Working draft of the proposed heavy-duty dual fuel retrofit regulation
GRPE-72-12 Draft proposal for a new regulation for the approval of Heavy Duty Dual-Fuel Retrofit Systems (HDDF-RS) to be installed on heavy duty diesel engines and vehicles