Proposal for amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/2016/20 (CLCCR)
Proposal for amendments to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRRF/2016/20
Document GRRF/2016/20 proposes to remove certain design restrictions that impede the application of new technologies, especially related to trailer power steering systems and the use of energy from the towing vehicle, including specification of the connector through which electrical energy is supplied in the proposal. Although this proposal was approved in principle at the 80th GRRF session, it was agreed that the proposal would be reviewed at the 81st GRRF to define an open value [X] in paragraph 2.1.1. of Annex 5. It has subsequently been concluded that this change to paragraph 2.1.1. is not needed. Therefore, this proposal removes the change to the paragraph from GRRF/2016/20.
Presentation of French views on the regulation of automatically commanded steering functions (France)
Presentation of French views on the regulation of automatically commanded steering functions
Presentation on French government views on the approval of automated steering at speeds above 10 km/h under UN Regulation No. 79. The principle recommendation is to restrict amendments to UN R79 to lateral vehicle control as speeds above 10 km/h while setting other work on more advanced capabilities (longitudinal + latitudinal, lane change, passing, etc.) for future separate regulations.
Proposal for an amendment to Regulation No. 79 (CLCCR)
Proposal for an amendment to Regulation No. 79
Amendment to remove certain design restrictions that impede the application of new technologies, especially related to trailer power steering systems and the use of energy from the towing vehicle, including specification of the connector through which electrical energy is supplied in the proposal