Informal Working Group for the Development of a UN Regulation on Quiet Road Transport Vehicles | Session 6 | 1 Dec 2015
Agenda Item 8.
Determination of next steps with regards to enhancement of the new UN Regulation

Timing : finalization end 2017
meetings : 3-4 per year, one meeting after publication of US law.
meet in GRB week
one meeting in Dresden – mid of year

European Commission mentioned that Regulation (EU) No. 540/2014 will take over the content of the UN Regulation, provided it is adopted by WP29. If GRB decided to agree on further changes, COM may include them in the EU Regulation prior to WP29 adopting them.

WBU will urge WP29 to reject the draft due to strong doubts that a revision will be done quickly even if this means that no Regulation is available.