Informal Group on Amendments to UN R55.01 | Session 10 | 25-26 Jun 2015
Agenda Item 4.
Discussion of open items (document R55-10-12)
R55-09-06 Extreme Transports: Interrelationship between speed and dynamic forces on couplings
R55-10-03 Strength Requirements for Fifth Wheel Couplings in Road Trains and General Articulated Vehicles (Australia)
R55-10-04 Instrumentation for Measurement of Coupling forces in Road Trains (Australia)
R55-10-05 Australia: Strength Requirements for Tow Couplings in Road Trains (Australia)
R55-10-06 Historical review of the development of ISO 12357
R55-10-07 Summary of measured extreme coupling forces
R55-10-08 Proposal for amendments to UN Regulation No. 55
R55-10-09 Mechanical couplings: Theoretical sketch for the derivation of speed dependence (VBG)
R55-10-12 List of discussion items for the 10th R55 informal group session
R55-10-13 Proposal concerning mechanical coupling test performance and speed dependence
R55-10-15 Data on road conditions in selected countries