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(Latest 3 November 2015)
1. Round call of experts (only if new participants)
2. Approval of the report of the previous session
3. Comments on submitted documents
R55-10-02 | UN R55: Proposal for Class S amendments
R55-10-10 | Proposal for amendments to UN Regulation No. 55 Proposal to introduce amendments on: a) Requirements on remote indication; b) Availability of information on coupling fixing points for A50X couplings; c) On lateral strength of drawbars; d) Includes a new class definition for fully automatic drawbar couplings.
R55-10-17 | Draft update of UN Regulation No. 55 The text reproduced below was prepared by the experts of the informal group on UN Regulation No. 55 and introduces amendments on: a) Requirements on remote indication; b) Availability of information on coupling fixing points for A50X couplings; c) On lateral strength of drawbars; d) Includes a new class definition for fully automatic drawbar couplings.
4. Discussion of open items (document R55-10-12)
R55-10-12 | List of discussion items for the 10th R55 informal group session
R55-10-08 | Proposal for amendments to UN Regulation No. 55 Proposal to introduce amendments on applications in multi-vehicle combinations.
R55-10-09 | Mechanical couplings: Theoretical sketch for the derivation of speed dependence
R55-10-13 | Proposal concerning mechanical coupling test performance and speed dependence
R55-09-06 | Extreme Transports: Interrelationship between speed and dynamic forces on couplings Expanded version of the earlier information in document R55-08-13.
R55-10-15 | Data on road conditions in selected countries
R55-10-03 | Strength Requirements for Fifth Wheel Couplings in Road Trains and General Articulated Vehicles
R55-10-04 | Instrumentation for Measurement of Coupling forces in Road Trains
R55-10-05 | Australia: Strength Requirements for Tow Couplings in Road Trains Australia Road Research Board (ARRB) Internal Report related to ISO/TC22/SC15/WG4 N 535 Annex 5.
R55-10-06 | Historical review of the development of ISO 12357
R55-10-07 | Summary of measured extreme coupling forces
5. Any other business
R55-07-19 | UN Regulation No. 55 revision: Proposal for worst-case physical testing
R55-10-22 | KBA proposal for definition of alternative values in UN R55 communication
R55-10-08 | Proposal for amendments to UN Regulation No. 55 Proposal to introduce amendments on applications in multi-vehicle combinations.
R55-09-07 | KBA change request for R55 class definitions KBA has noticed that class H50 couplings are not defined and so proposes to add this class and definitions to UN R55.
R55-10-18 | Waiting list of GRRF request concerning the update of UN R55 List of pending proposals for the update to UN R55 from GRRF participants.
R55-10-20 | UN Regulation No. 55 revision: Proposal for worst-case physical testing
R55-09-20 | Mechanical couplings: Wedge diagram
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