World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 167 | 10-13 Nov 2015
Agenda Item 2.3.
Intelligent Transport Systems and automated vehicles

15. The representative of the United Kingdom, and Chair of the IWG on ITS/AD, summed up the outcome of the IWG session that took place from 2.30 p.m. to 3.30 p.m. on 11 November 2015 and reported that the work of the informal group had progressed well. He informed the World Forum about the items discussed at the meeting of the November 2015, including the relationship with WP.1 and how the 1968 Vienna Convention could be amended to ensure that automated driving systems were brought safely to the market. He added that the IWG would also discuss software and software security with special attention to ‘over-the-air’ software-updates.

16. The secretariat gave a status report to the World Forum on UNECE activities in the area of automated vehicles (WP.29-167-04). He informed WP.29 that (i) GRRF had discussed Automated Commanded Steering Functions (ACSF), Remote Control Parking systems (RCP) and cyber security issues, (ii) GRSG had focused on Event Data Recorders (EDR), (iii) that the amendment to Articles 8 and 39 of the 1968 Vienna Convention of Road Traffic would enter into force on 23 March 2016 and (iv) that WP.1 had established an informal group to deal with automated vehicles and the cooperation with WP.29.

17. The representative of ITU made an announcement on the “Future of the Networked Car Symposium” that is going to be co-organised with UNECE on Thursday, 3 March 2016 at the Geneva Auto Motor Show. The Symposium will focus on the area of software security and cyber-security.

WP.29-167-04 UN Economic Commission for Europe and automated vehicles