World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 161 | 12-15 Nov 2013
Agenda Item 17.9.
Draft GTR on Quiet Road Transport Vehicles

106. The representative of the United States of America informed AC.3 that the last meeting of the IWG was held at NHTSA headquarters on 16-19 July 2013. He indicated that the main objective of the meeting had been to complete the first draft of the UN GTR. He reported that the draft had mainly been based on the United States of America Notice of Proposal of Rulemaking (NPRM) for QRTV. He explained that the IWG had also considered different approaches to go forward taking into account the provisions of Japan, the guidelines listed on the R.E.3 and the final report of the former IWG on QRTV. He stated that the IWG had completed half of the draft UN GTR. The remaining half was expected to be completed within a few more meetings of the IWG. He announced that the next meeting of the IWG was scheduled to be held in Tokyo in December 2013. Finally, he sought the consent of AC.3 to extend for one year the mandate of the IWG to recover delays in the publication of the United States of America’s final rule on QRTV, which was expected to be published by the end of 2014 or beginning of 2015. AC.3 agreed to extend the mandate of the IWG to November 2015.