WLTP Subgroup on Electrified Vehicles | WLTP-SG-EV Session 6 | 17 Nov 2014
Agenda Item 3.
OIL #55: Phase-specific CO2 calculation

ACEA presents the results concerning out a calculation of phase specific range values for PEV. If such values are available, there is no need for WLTCcity anymore. Comparison between simulation and calculation shows small deviation for both a vehicle that can follow the cycle and for a vehicle that cannot follow the cycle.

Japan can accept the procedure, but will need to investigate how effect shorten test procedure.

EC is of the opinion that there is a need for more validation from testing.

Japan has test data that can be shown until WLTP IWG #9.

Sub group EV agrees on the principal of calculation of phase specific values.

The need for phase specific values is a discussion on political level between EC and Japan. EC does not need phase specific values, but accepts that Japan request them.

ACEA demonstrates that phase specific range calculation for PEV works well. For HEVs, phase specific value could be obtained by the new proposal from ACEA, as mentioned in open issue #50 this meeting. Then, this issue could be closed in #9 meeting as well, after the JPN’s response for the proposal.

WLTP-SG-EV-06-03/Rev.1 Phase-specific calculation for PEV range (revised) (ACEA)