World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 191 | 13-16 Nov 2023
Agenda Item 8.2.

144. The secretariat introduced WP.29-191-09 (WP.29 actions in the framework of the global plan for the decade of action for road safety 2021-2030), reproducing the recommended actions of the global plan to ensure vehicle safety and traceability of WP.29 and its subsidiary bodies actions: (a) development of UN Regulations and UN GTRs and UN Rules (b) performance indicators and © progress made.

145. The Secretary of WP.29 presented the document, WP.29-191-33, highlighting the more recent changes to the document and inviting Contracting Parties to provide their comments before 20 December 2023 so that the document could be finalised and submitted to ITC.

146. The representative from OICA asked for clarity on the document as it appeared to be a proposed programme of work and he noted that some of the items were not discussed and finalised.

147. The Secretary of WP.29 further reiterated that this document represents the ideas of the Secretariat and was not a programme of work and that further input was essential from the Contracting Parties to make the document comprehensive.

148. The representative of Australia noted that the document was very similar to the National Road Safety Action plan of Australia and other countries, he highlighted that perhaps there needs to be further additions to the document on how to globally reduce crashes taking into account the statistics related to motorcycle crashes.

149. The representative of Canada supported the statements made by Australia, and further highlighted that there were some gaps in the document. He questioned whether there would be further updates to the document to fill those gaps and when the group would be able to review the finalised document before it goes to ITC. He also noted that within the context of road safety and motorcycle safety, perhaps some comments could be shared with WP.1 in terms of the development of that strategy.

150. The Secretary of WP.29 took note of these comments and asked that the Contracting Parties and other stakeholders provide concrete feedback to the document as soon as possible.

WP.29-188-09 Draft UNECE Plan of Action for Road Safety 2023 – 2030
WP.29-191-09 Decade of action for road safety 2021-2030: WP.29 actions
WP.29-191-33 Draft UNECE Plan of Action for Road Safety 2023-2030