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Draft UNECE Plan of Action for Road Safety 2023 – 2030
Document WP.29-188-09
11 November 2022
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
8.2. Safer vehicles of the global plan for the decade of action for road safety 2021-2030

110. The secretariat introduced WP.29-188-07 (WP.29 actions in the framework of the global plan for the decade of action for road safety 2021-2030), reproducing the recommended actions of the global plan to ensure vehicle safety and traceability of WP.29 and its subsidiary bodies actions: (a) development of UN Regulations and UN GTRs and UN Rules (b) performance indicators and (c) progress made.

111. WP.29 also noted WP.29-188-11 (Draft UNECE Plan of Action for Road Safety) 2023-2030), prepared by the secretariat, aimed at having a better implementation on the Inland Transport Committee (ITC) recommendation on road safety (ECE/TRANS/2020/9). The secretariat also added that the document, at its early draft stage, would benchmark the implementation of the ITC strategy as a monitoring tool of the different contracting parties. Finally, he announced that subject to ITC endorsement the document would be addressed by ITC to all Working Parties in the different areas of responsibility. The representative of OICA welcomed the document since it well reflects the need for an integrated approach of all key elements of road safety; he however suggested that WP29 would need a better understanding of missing elements mentioned in the screening result of the document, considering that such missing elements should best be reviewed and agreed before submission to the Inland Transport Committee. WP.29 noted that the document would be reviewed by ITC at its next session incorporating possible comments coming from experts and representatives of the different Working Parties of UNECE involved in this endeavour. Finally, WP.29 invited its representative to provide comments to the secretariat on WP.29-188-11 at their earliest convenience.