Informal Group on GTR 9-Phase 2 | Session 7 | 3 Jul 2013
WebEx Teleconference
Agenda Item 4.
Approval of the minutes of the last meeting

The secretary noted that several comments were received on the draft minutes and thanked those who provided their comments. The proposed changes to the minutes were reviewed in detail. Agreement could be reached for most details.

However, on agenda item 8 of the 6th meeting, 3rd paragraph, Mr. Bilkhu noted that the sentence “The method of shifting the injury severities is a well-known process that is widely accepted.” may need to be discussed in more detail.

On agenda item 9.1, 3rd last paragraph (starting with “Also, some discussion came up…”) Mr. Zander added that further details on the certification of the impactor used in document GTR9-6-24 is covered by document GTR9-6-28. So, the respective activity mentioned in this paragraph is finalized.

Finally, the secretary explained that contradicting comments were received from BASt and OICA on the 11th paragraph under agenda item 12.1 (starting with “Regarding the OICA presentation, …” It was agreed that this section of the minutes will remain in a draft status and that chair and secretary will work for a common agreement on the wording by BASt and OICA (action item A-7-01).

GTR9-06-02 Draft minutes of the 6th GTR 9-Phase 2 informal group session
GTR9-06-02/Rev.1 Revised draft minutes of the 6th GTR 9-Phase 2 informal group session
GTR9-06-24 Durability Study FlexPLI SN03 at Bertrandt Laboratory (Bertrandt)
GTR9-06-28 Certification test results of the OEM legform used in document GTR9-6-20 (OICA)