World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 190 | 19-22 Jun 2023
Agenda Item 19.
Other business

195. Referring to the endorsement of WP.29 of the new priority given to the protection of children left in cars (see para. 63 above), the representative of Australia underlined the relevance of this topic and suggested the development of a UN GTR on this topic. The representative of the United States of America stated the urgency of this topic and that this matter was a priority for the administration of his country. However, he stated that the development of UN GTR at this stage was premature and recommended to plan this activity in adherence to the provisions established by the Agreement: (a) collect statistical data at the national level, (b) recommend Contracting Parties to submit their national standards/legislations for being established in the Compendium of candidates as basis for the development of UN GTR and (c) finally develop a thorough authorization to develop the work to be endorsed by AC.3 and addressed by AC.3 to the competent GR. Therefore, he recommended that this matter would begin under agenda item 18 of AC.3. The representative of Canada echoed the recommendation of the representative of the United States of America and stressed at the same time the urgency of this matter. The representative from Italy, underlined that this subject recently escalated the public concerns of his country and became a priority to be solved. AC.3 stressed the opportunity given by the Agreement to Contracting Parties to establish their national standards/regulations in the Compendium of Candidates of Future UN GTRs and being considered at the global level as basis of future UN GTRs. Finally, AC3 recommended interested Contracting Parties to submit for listing in the Compendium of Candidates their national standards on this subject at its future sessions.