World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 190 | 19-22 Jun 2023
Agenda Item 3.5.4.
Working Party on Automated/Autonomous and Connected Vehicles (GRVA) (Sixteenth session, 22-26 May 2023)

65. The Chair of GRVA reported on the results achieved by GRVA during its sixteenth session in May 2023 (see ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRVA/16 for further details).

66. The representative of FIA noted the report provided on GRVA activities regarding Artificial Intelligence (AI) and vehicle regulations and welcomed the Contracting Parties’ position, in the context of AI for automotive products, regarding the use of Online Learning, which should not be allowed for the moment. He welcomed this decision and supported that these activities regarding AI be continued.

67. WP.29 endorsed the establishment of the SIG on Electro-Mechanical Braking (EMB) and adopted the revised terms of reference for the IWG on Cyber Security and Over-the-Air (CS/OTA) issues.

68. WP.29 welcomed the work done and the coordination provided by the GRVA task force on the fitness of UN Regulations and UN GTRs with regards to ADS and recalled the decisions made under item 2.3.

69. The representative of SAE International offered, in case it would not be possible to organise the May 2024 GRVA session in the United Nations Head Quarters in New York, to hold the meeting at their premises in Detroit (Michigan), in the United States of America.

GRVA/16 GRVA: Report of the 16th (May 2023) session