Working Party on Passive Safety | Session 73 | 15-19 May 2023
Agenda Item 24. (d)
Three-dimensional H-point Machine

57. The expert from the Netherlands introduced the status report of the Ad Hoc Group on the 3D HPM. He informed GRSP that the Group had agreed that the first step would be update the Consolidated Resolution on the Construction of Vehicles (R.E.3) according to the standard J826 of November 2008, of the Society of Automotive Engineers. He announced an informal proposal of amendments to R.E.3. and to the UN Regulations for the October and December 2023 sessions of GRSG and GRSP. GRSP also noted that some UN GTRs should be updated and that placing specifications for 3D HPM into M.R.1 would be the easiest solution to update them. GRSP agreed to resume discussion at its December 2023 session.

GRSP-73-59 MR1: Generic Vehicle Models (TU Graz)