Working Party on Pollution and Energy | Session 87 | 10-13 Jan 2023
Agenda Item 10.
Mutual Resolution No. 2 (M.R.2)

77. Given there has not been any activities under this agenda item for the last few sessions of GRPE, the secretariat wondered if this item could be removed from the agenda to lighten the agenda of GRPE. The representative from OICA said that M.R.2. is a valuable document that needs to be updated to be fully relevant, and he stood ready to support on the administrative side to revive the activity that would require some involvement from contracting parties and a free forum to discuss the issues covered. The representative from Germany requested to reconsider this topic at the next session of GRPE. The Chair agreed to keep this item on the agenda of GRPE and to try and maintain M.R.2. up to date when possible.