World Forum for the Harmonization of Vehicle Regulations | Session 188 | 14-16 Nov 2022
Agenda Item 4.13.
Consideration of proposals for new UN Regulations submitted by the Working Parties subsidiary to the World Forum

75. The Chair of GRSG presented two new UN Regulations, UN Regulation No. [166] on Vulnerable Road Users in Front and Side Close Proximity (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2022/139) and UN Regulation No. [167] on Vulnerable Road Users (VRU) Direct Vision (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2022/140/Rev.1). He highlighted that the proposal in document, ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2022/139 aimed to enhance driver awareness, e.g. with devices including mirrors and/or camera monitor systems, making that regulation technology neutral. For the document ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2022/140/Rev.1, he noted that the proposed new UN Regulation allows for better views on trucks to address the risks posed to VRUs. The World Forum considered the proposals under agenda items 4.13.1 and 4.13.2 and recommended their submission to AC.1 for voting.

76. The representative of the Republic of Korea made a statement regarding agenda item 4.13.1. He noted that the Republic of Korea was taking various measures to prevent traffic accidents involving vulnerable road users, such as lowering urban speed limits, enforcing drivers to make a full stop at a crosswalk regardless if pedestrians are present, and extending AEBS requirements to all vehicles including passenger cars.

77. He added that the proposal for the new UN Regulation was going to enhance drivers’ awareness of vulnerable road users at the front and sides of vehicles and it was anticipated to help reducing accidents involving pedestrians.

78. He further highlighted that, in a similar way, the Acceleration Control for Pedal Error (ACPE) proposed at the fourteenth GRVA meeting would help preventing accidents caused by drivers’ mistakes. He concluded that the Republic of Korea fully supported the proposal and was going to actively participate in the discussion group.

79. The representative of the European Union informed WP.29 that the European Union would not mandate UN Regulation No. [166] for the purpose of the EU whole vehicle type approval.

WP.29/2022/139 Proposal of new UN Regulation on Vulnerable Road Users in Front and Side Close Proximity
WP.29/2022/140/Rev.1 Proposal for a New UN Regulation on Motor Vehicles with Regard to their Direct Vision