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WP.29 Discussion Topic
This topic delves into research on occupant protection across the diversity of human morphologies, identification of addressable issues, and potential for improvements.
(Latest posted on 20 Aug 2024)
| Upcoming | | | | |
13 Feb 2023 DEOP | Session 6
6-9 Mar 2023 WP.29 | Session 189
6 Apr 2023 EqOP | Session 1
15-19 May 2023 GRSP | Session 73
15 May 2023 EqOP | Session 2
5-6 Sep 2023 EqOP | EqOP-WS-01
18 Sep 2023 EqOP | Session 3
19 Oct 2023 EqOP | EqOP-WS-01.1
23-25 Oct 2023 EqOP | EqOP-WS-02
14 Nov 2023 EqOP | EqOP-WS-03
22 Nov 2023 EqOP | Session 4
4-8 Dec 2023 GRSP | Session 74