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(Latest posted on 30 May 2024)
UN R11 | Revision 2 (2013)
7 Mar 2013 2013-03-10 18:08:35 UTC 2 02 series of amendments | Corrigendum 1 02 series of amendments | Supplement 1 03 series of amendments 03 series of amendments | Supplement 1 03 series of amendments | Supplement 1 | Corrigendum 1 03 series of amendments | Supplement 2 03 series of amendments | Supplement 3 Based upon the adopted proposal: WP.29/2012/41

Text adopted by the Working Party on Passive Safety (GRSP) at its fiftieth session to cover the risk of ejection of vehicle occupants in the scope of the UN Regulation and to correct the transitional provisions.

UN R11 | Revision 2 | Amendment 1 (2015)
21 Jul 2015 2015-11-07 14:45:05 UTC 2 1 04 series of amendments
UN R11 | Revision 3 (2015)
12 Nov 2015 2016-11-29 11:58:14 UTC 3
UN R11 | Revision 3 | Amendment 1 (2017)
23 Feb 2017 2017-02-24 14:37:52 UTC 3 1 04 series of amendments | Supplement 1
UN R11 | Revision 2 | Amendment 2 (2017)
23 Feb 2017 2017-02-24 14:39:48 UTC 2 2 03 series of amendments | Supplement 4
UN R11 | Revision 3 | Amendment 2 (2019)
24 Jun 2019 2019-12-30 11:03:02 UTC 3 2 04 series of amendments | Supplement 2
UN R11 | Revision 1 | Amendment 2 | Corrigendum 1 (2010)
27 Oct 2010 2019-12-30 11:06:01 UTC 1 2 1 04 series of amendments | Corrigendum 1
Earlier texts may be available through the UN Official Document System.