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UN Rule No. 1
Vehicle Inspections: Environmental Protection
Uniform provisions for periodical technical inspections of wheeled vehicles with regard to the protection of the environment
(Latest posted on 14 Nov 2023)
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8 March 2014 Concerns expressed regarding the vote on amendments to UN Rules Nos. 1 and 2
WP.29-162-09 2014-03-08
21 June 2014 Proposal for amendments to WP.29/2013/132 (Revision 2 to Rule 1) and WP.29/2013/133 (Proposal for draft amendments to Rule 2) (Russia)
WP.29-163-17 2014-06-21
4 September 2014 Proposal for Revision 2 to Rule No. 1 on periodical technical inspections with regard to the protection of the environment (CITA and Russia)
WP.29/2013/132/Rev.1 2014-09-04