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(Latest 20 June 2016)
1. Welcome and introduction

Chair welcomed participants and noted that the meeting will focus on the finalization of the informal document with proposal for amendments to GRPE/2016/13 (draft OBD GTR), to be submitted to the June GRPE session.

The new representative from the European Commission, Mr Ramon Gouwelleuw, introduced himself.

2. Adoption of the agenda and approval of the previous session report

Agenda EPPR-16-21 was adopted with the following changes:
Document EPPR-16-20r1 added under item 4
Document EPPR-16-22 added under item 3
New item 6 “exchange of views on the roadmap” added, if time allows, as proposed by IMMA.
Former item 6 AOB re-numbered as item 7
EPPR-16-18 was adopted as circulated.

EPPR-16-18/Rev.1 | Report on the EPPR informal group teleconference of 11 May 2016
3. Draft GTR on OBD

Taking into account the comments raised by Japan (EPPR-16-22), CLEPA (EPPR-16-11), India and IMMA; the group reviewed EPPR-16-19e, closing following open points:

  • Warm up cycle – temperature monitoring (action by Japan and CLEPA)
  • Freeze frame for Grade A (action by India and Japan)
  • CLEPA comments on the draft OBD standard: EPPR-16-11
  • Square bracket text
  • RMI: Para. 2.2 was deleted, after agreeing that the need to find the appropriate standardized format for Repair and Maintenance Information should be noted in the technical report.

The informal document was finalized and will be submitted by the EPPR IWG to the GRPE secretariat as an informal document for the June GRPE session.

EPPR-16-11 | Additional CLEPA comments on the draft GTR on motorcycle OBD
EPPR-16-19 | Draft amendments to the proposed global technical regulation on motorcycle OBD Draft of an informal document prepared by the EPPR informal working group to be submitted to GRPE amending the formal proposal presented in document GRPE/2016/13.
EPPR-16-25 | Final draft informal document amending the formal GTR proposal on motorcycle OBD Final draft set of amendments (version with track changes) prepared during the 6 June 2016 EPPR informal group session.
EPPR-16-26 | Final draft informal document amending the formal GTR proposal on motorcycle OBD Final draft set of amendments (clean version) prepared during the 6 June 2016 EPPR informal group session.
GRPE/2016/13 | Proposal for a new global technical regulation on the measurement procedure for two- or three-wheeled motor vehicles with regard to on-board diagnostics Proposal to establish requirements for motorcycle OBD systems. This proposal contains draft text in square brackets for which GRPE decisions will be required.
4. Draft Technical Report on OBD GTR

Members were invited to review EPPR-16-20r1 by Tuesday, 07.06.2016, so that the revised version of the report can be shared with members on Wednesday and, if there is no objection, submitted to the GRPE secretary for the upcoming June 2016 session.

The EPPR secretariat will clarify with the GRPE secretariat the procedure for submission of the GRPE document to WP29.

EPPR-16-20/Rev.1 | Draft technical report on the development of draft Amendment 1 to global technical regulation No. 15 Working draft of the EPPR informal group for submission to GRPE.
EPPR-16-23 | IMMA comments on the motorcycle OBD GTR draft technical report
EPPR-16-24/Rev.1 | Revised draft technical report for the motorcycle OBD GTR Draft report for submission to GRPE with the motorcyle OBD GTR proposal, pursuant to the 16th EPPR informal group session on 6 June 2016.
EPPR-16-27 | CLEPA comments on the draft technical report on the development of the motorcycle OBD GTR Comments on document EPPR-16-20/Rev.1.
EPPR-16-28 | Japan comments on the revised draft technical report on the development of the motorcycle OBD GTR Comments on document EPPR-16-24.
5. Next meetings

The group agreed on the revised meeting schedule, which was uploaded as EPPR-16-16r1.

EPPR-16-16/Rev.1 | Updated EPPR informal group 2016 meeting schedule (revised)
6. Roadmap

The Chair invited stakeholders to share their views on the issue they deemed priorities for the next phase.

Japan indicated the revision of GTR No 2, Durability and OBD II as their priorities.
India and NL supported this view.

IMMA congratulated this IWG for its way of working and wished that some procedures can be further streamlined in the future, in order to continue to get efficient results, despite the heavy workload. For the future, IMMA encouraged members to avoid regrouping comments to several GTRs into one single document; each document should better refer to one GTR at a time. On top, IMMA encouraged members to present their comments in the form of an Excel table – rather than in Power Point – which would contain track of all comments and developments of the new GTR text. Finally, IMMA noted that the quantity of work should be well distributes taking into account the capacity of the Chair and Secretariat.

Chair would try to use such new Excel tool for the GTR 2, if the secretariat can produce the Excel table starting with the existing proposal from the EC, for discussion at the next meeting.
Chair warmly recommended to keep work focused on one GTR at a time, in order to correctly conclude the work.

Conclusion: members were invited to reflect on the priorities.