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(Latest 3 October 2016)
1. Adoption of the agenda
SGR0-19-02/Rev.1 | Updated provisional agenda for the 19th SGR0 IWVTA subgroup session
2. Major results and Action items made at the 18th SG R0 meeting
SGR0-19-01 | Action items from the 18th IWVTA SGR0 subgroup session
3. Brief report on the 3rd UN R0 Pre-testing Task Force meeting
4. Brief report on the 23rd and 24th DETA IG meetings
5. Review the updated text of UN Regulation No. 0 draft
SGR0-19-03 | Working draft of UN R0 pursuant to the 18th IWVTA SGR0 informal group session Current draft text including changes made during the 18th subgroup session and prepared as the basis for discussions during the 19th subgroup session.
SGR0-19-03/Rev.1 | Working draft revision of UN Regulation No. 0 (IWVTA) A complete and comprehensive review of the UN R0 base document for the 19th SGR0 meeting performed by experts from OICA.
SGR0-19-05 | Transposition of IWVTA into national/regional whole vehicle type approval systems Presentation concerning how an IWVTA could relate to the structure of individual national or regional whole vehicle approval systems. In some cases, there may be a one-to-one relationship between the international and local whole vehicle approvals. In others, a single IWVTA may correspond to more than one local approval while in others, multiple IWVTA may be required to correspond to a broader local definition of a whole vehicle approval.
SGR0-19-07 | IWVTA regulation: Draft update for versions of UN Regulations in Annex 4, Section I WP.29 adoption of the new IWVTA regulation (UN Regulation No. 0) is anticipated for March 2017 with an entry-into-force the following October. This initial regulation (00 series of amendments) will include UN Regulations as they stand prior to September 2, 2017. However, a number of these regulations contain transitional provisions such that new versions will enter into force during the 12 months following this cut-off date. Therefore, this document proposes a list of such regulations that would be included in the 01 series of amendments to UN R0 to be submitted for adoption by WP.29 in November 2017. In concept, UN R0 would be updated with these "upgraded" versions of the UN Regulations.
SGR0-19-07/Rev.1 | IWVTA regulation: Revised draft update for versions of UN Regulations in Annex 4, Section I WP.29 adoption of the new IWVTA regulation (UN Regulation No. 0) is anticipated for March 2017 with an entry-into-force the following October. This initial regulation (00 series of amendments) will include UN Regulations as they stand prior to September 2, 2017. However, a number of these regulations contain transitional provisions such that new versions will enter into force during the 12 months following this cut-off date. Therefore, this document (updated from the earlier version) proposes a list of such regulations that would be included in the 01 series of amendments to UN R0 to be submitted for adoption by WP.29 in November 2017. In concept, UN R0 would be updated with these “upgraded” versions of the UN Regulations.
SGR0-19-07/Rev.4 | IWVTA regulation: Draft update for versions of UN Regulations in Annex 4, Section I Updated text prepared for review during the 22nd SGR0 IWVTA subgroup meeting.
6. Review the updated Q&A document on UN R0 and IWVTA
SGR0-19-04 | Updated version of the Q&A document on the International Whole Vehicle Type Approval system This document provides information on the expected operation of the IWVTA system and includes a new question on the impact of changes to a UN Regulation included within the IWVTA on whole vehicle approvals issued prior to the modification of the individual regulation.
SGR0-19-04/Rev.1 | Updated version of the Q&A document on the International Whole Vehicle Type Approval system Revised question no. 13 pursuant to the subgroup discussions.
7. Progress by GRs in reviewing List B UN Regulations
SGR0-19-06 | IWVTA: Progress by GRs in reviewing List B UN Regulations Review of work towards adapting and/or approving certain UN Regulations for use within the International Whole Vehicle Type Approval regulation.
GRPE-72-18 | Transposition of GTR No. 15 WLTP into EU Regulations and UN/ECE Regulations
8. Preparation for the report to the 168th WP.29 session
WP.29-168-12 | Report to WP.29 on the 20th IWVTA Informal Group meeting
9. Next meetings