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Web Conference
(Latest 19 December 2014)
1. Adoption of the agenda
ITS/AD-01-01/Rev.1 | Draft agenda for the first ITS/AD informal working group session
2. Report of the 24th ITS informal group session
ITS/AD-01-02 | Draft minutes of the 24th ITS informal working group session Copy of the draft minutes added to the documentation for the first session of the Automated Driving informal group.
3. Review of the latest version of the ITS/AD group Terms of Reference
ITS/AD-01-03/Rev.1 | Draft Terms of Reference for the ITS/Automated Driving Informal Working Group
ITS/AD-01-05 | Comparison between the Terms of Reference of the ITS/AD informal group and the SAE Levels of Automation
4. Definition of Automated Driving Technology
ITS/AD-01-04 | Definitions of "automated driving technology"
5. Provisional draft guidance by WP29 to GRRF
ITS/AD-01-06 | Issues related to Automated Driving Technology and Possible Guidance to GRRF
6. Other business