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(Latest 14 May 2014)
1. Welcome and introductions
PMP-29-01 | Agenda for the 29th PMP informal working group session
2. Summary of the literature study and gap analysis of the sub-23 nm particles
PMP-29-02 | 23 nm PN Key Messages (draft) Discussion document as revised during the 29th PMP session.
PMP-29-03 | PMP: Sub 23 nm Review Presentation concerning the measurement of sub23 nm vehicle emissions particles.
3. Experimental investigation on particles from NRMM
4. Literature study on non-exhaust emissions
PMP-29-05 | Particle emissions from tyre and brake wear: On-going literature review Overview of literature related to particle emissions from tire and/or brake wear regarding importance of such particle emissions, physico-chemical characteristics, and possible health effects.
PMP-29-04 | Evaluation of Airborne Tyre and Road Wear Particles Review of data and conclusions from the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) Tire Industry Project study on airborne tire and road dust particles. Established in January 2006, the goal of the Tire Industry Project (TIP) is to identify and address the potential health and environmental impacts of materials associated with tire making and use. This project is chaired by the three largest tire manufacturers – Bridgestone (Japan), Goodyear (US) and Michelin (France) – and includes a total of eleven companies representing approximately 70% of the world's tire manufacturing capacity.
PMP-29-06 | Particle emissions from tyre and brake wear: Open questions Review of current evidence concerning risks from non-exhaust vehicle emissions and open questions regarding the potential value of a regulatory response.
5. Discussion on next steps on particles from light duty vehicles
6. Arrangements for the next meeting