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Proposal of amendments to the request to develop electric vehicle environmental regulations
Document WP.29-164-15
6 November 2014

Modified request pursuant to the 12th session of the informal group on electric vehicles and the environment (EVE).

Status: Request for mandate
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
8.3. | Proposal for an Electric Vehicle Regulatory Reference Guide
18.7. | Draft GTR on Electric Vehicle Safety (EVS)
19.5. | Electric vehicles and the environment

127. The representative of Canada presented ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2014/88, proposing an extension to the mandate of EVE. The representative of EU introduced WP.29-164-07 expressing concerns on the drafted mandate in ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2014/88.

128. The representative of Canada stated that EVE had taken note of the content of WP.29-164-17 and that WP.29-164-15 included the corresponding amendments. The representative of EU agreed with the draft proposal as amended WP.29-164-15. AC.3 adopted ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2014/88 as amended by WP.29-164-15 and requested the secretariat to prepare the corresponding AC.3 document.

1. | Welcome, Introductions, Agenda

Mr. Michael Olechiw, Chair of the informal working group, welcomed participants to the meeting. The meeting was well attended, with over 20 participants from contracting parties, other WP.29 working groups, and industry organizations. In addition to Mr. Olechiw, Ms. Marchington (acting Secretary), Mr. Narusawa (Co-Chair), and Ms. Chunmei (Co-Chair, participated by phone) were present at the meeting.

Mr. Olechiw outlined the objective for the 12th EVE meeting, which was to build on discussion during the 11th EVE meeting and continue initiating work on Part A of the new EVE mandate. The goals of the meeting were to: 1) outline concepts for each topic area of the new EVE mandate, 2) finalize proposed changes to the new EVE mandate text if needed (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2014/88), ahead of the WP.29 November meeting, and 3) finalize the approach for Part A of the new EVE mandate outlined in the ‘path forward’ document (EVE-11-03e-Rev1).

The agenda for the meeting (EVE-12-02e-Rev1) was reviewed and accepted by all participants.

2. | Approval of the minutes of the previous session

Speaking to agenda item 2, Ms. Marchington reviewed document EVE-11-13e. The EVE group was reminded of the two goals of the EVE-11 meeting, which were to discuss comments received on the path forward document (EVE-11-03e) and, if possible, confirm leads for topic areas of the new EVE mandate. The meeting was successful in that all EVE-11-03e comments received were presented and discussion of those comments was to be continued during the EVE-12 meeting. Also, for each topic area of the new EVE mandate, a party/organization volunteered to lead discussion during the EVE-12 meeting.

Ms. Marchington reviewed the status of the EVE-11 action items. Of the 18 action items, 17 were directly related to the EVE-12 meeting and therefore would be completed once the meeting had occurred. The remaining action item is ongoing and depended on the outcome of the EVE-12 meeting:

ACTION 1 (EVE-11 Action 17, ongoing): The EVE Secretary will complete minor revisions (if needed) to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2014/88 after the EVE-12 meeting, prior to the November 2014 WP.29 meeting.

9. | Review of Path Forward document

To summarize the discussion of agenda items 4-8, Mr. Olechiw presented document EVE-12-11e, which presents the five topics under consideration for the new EVE mandate, major discussion points, and three options: maintain in the EVE mandate, modify in the EVE mandate, or remove from the EVE mandate. For each topic, the group discussed the options and decided on the preferable outcome (highlighted in red text in the document). The outcome of this discussion is summarized as follows:

  • The topic of ‘vehicle range and energy consumption testing’ should be removed from consideration in Part A or B of the new EVE mandate because it is understood that this issue will be addressed by the WLTP informal working group in future work.
  • The topics of ‘method of stating energy consumption’ (China lead) and ‘battery recycling or recyclability’ (no lead) should be addressed under Part A of the new EVE mandate, and thus be considered for further research and information-sharing only, and not considered for GTR development under Part B.
  • The topics of ‘battery performance and durability’ (USA and Canada lead) and ‘power determination of EVs’ (Germany and Korea lead) will be addressed in both Part A and Part B of the new EVE mandate.

Based on the above discussion, the EVE group considered the European Commission’s proposed changes (EVE-11-09e) to the new EVE mandate (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2014/88). In preparation for the November 2014 WP.29 session and anticipated approval of ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2014/88, a new EVE-12 informal document (EVE-12-12e) was drafted. The EVE group agreed in principle to the changes presented in EVE-12-12e, but were requested to provide any further comments to the EVE Secretariat November 4, 2014. The intention of the EVE Secretariat was then to submit EVE-12-12e to the November WP.29 session as an informal document that would amend (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2014/88).

ACTION 4: The EVE group will provide feedback to the EVE Secretariat on EVE-12-12e by November 4, 2014.

ACTION 5: The EVE Secretariat will submit EVE-12-12e as an informal document for consideration by WP.29 with ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2014/88.

Following on the above, the group initiated discussion on the path forward document (EVE-11-03e-Rev1). However, due to a lack of time, it was decided that this document, along with the European Commission’s comments (EVE-11-10e) would be further discussed at the next meeting. The EVE Secretary agreed to edit the document to incorporate the changes to the new EVE mandate outlined in EVE-12-12e.

ACTION 6: The EVE Secretariat will edit document EVE-11-03e-Rev1 to incorporate the changes to the new EVE mandate outlined in EVE-12-12e and add this issue to the next EVE meeting agenda.

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