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European Commission input regarding the new EVE informal group mandate and path forward
Document EVE-11-08
17 September 2014
Submitted by EC
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
8.3. | Proposal for an Electric Vehicle Regulatory Reference Guide

82. WP.29 decided to consider this under agenda item 19.5.

18.7. | Draft GTR on Electric Vehicle Safety (EVS)
19.5. | Electric vehicles and the environment

126. The representative of Canada introduced ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2014/81, prepared by the IWG on EVE. AC.3 endorsed this proposal and requested the secretariat, together with the leadership team of EVE, to determine how to label and where to place the document on the UNECE website.

127. The representative of Canada presented ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2014/88, proposing an extension to the mandate of EVE. The representative of EU introduced WP.29-164-07 expressing concerns on the drafted mandate in ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2014/88.

128. The representative of Canada stated that EVE had taken note of the content of WP.29-164-17 and that WP.29-164-15 included the corresponding amendments. The representative of EU agreed with the draft proposal as amended WP.29-164-15. AC.3 adopted ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2014/88 as amended by WP.29-164-15 and requested the secretariat to prepare the corresponding AC.3 document.

3. | Review 69th GRPE and 163rd WP.29 discussions related to EVE IWG
4. | Roundtable discussion: Comments on Path forward
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