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Artificial Intelligence in road vehicles
Document WP.29-194-34
12 November 2024
Submitted by DfT
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
2.3. | Intelligent Transport Systems and coordination of automated vehicles related activities

25. The representative of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland presented considerations on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in road vehicles. He recalled the adoption by WP.29 in June 2024 of Considerations on Artificial Intelligence in the context of road vehicles (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/1182). He noted that several WP.29 regulations required a functional safety assessment (e.g. UN Regulations Nos. 13, 13-H, 79, 131, 152 and 171) without an UNECE framework for assessing AI when it is part of a safety critical system. He reflected on possible steps that should be taken by WP.29 to support Type Approval Authorities, and Technical Services, when they encounter the use of AI in vehicles and have to decide if appropriate processes have been followed. He proposed to establish a group under WP.29 to address these questions.

26. The representative of Germany supported the proposal to establish a dedicated informal working group for transparency and visibility reasons and explained in addition that, while countries and regions may have established horizontal regulations, their application to the automotive sector needs to be informed by the expertise of WP.29. WP.29 would need to do its part. He offered that Germany be part of the leadership team of the new informal working group once established.

27. The representative of Liechtenstein supported the proposal and emphasised the importance to provide trust in AI with the appropriate United Nations protocol or regulatory framework.

28. The representative of Canada explained that his government looked at AI from global standpoint, not necessary at the vehicle level. He recommended that a new group, if established, should address the specific concern of Approval Authorities raised by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland regarding Approval Authorities that need support to audit systems addressed by regulations that use AI for development. He highlighted that the United Kingdom referenced the GRVA informal group on Validation Method for Automated Driving that previously looked in details regarding AI.

29. The representative of the European Commission supported the proposal, suggested to establish a dedicated group, and to look at how the national and regional horizontal AI requirements would apply to the automotive ecosystem. He supported the idea to analyse existing initiatives in that field.

30. The representative of China supported the proposal. He considered it to be the right time for WP.29 to address that topic and noted initiatives at the International Organization of Standardization (ISO) and also in China. He noted that automotive AI intersected with traditional automotive technology so the drafting of AI regulations will be more difficult. He supported deep and detailed discussion within a new group and offered that China be part of the leadership team.

31. The representative of the Netherlands supported the proposal. He noted the importance of audits in that context and the useful precedents set by UN Regulations Nos. 155 and 156.

32. The representative of Sweden supported the proposal of establishing a dedicated IWG. She recommended to clarify the objectives of the new group and to confirm that all GRs should be allowed to continue to work on AI in an integrated manner.

33. The representative of IEEE welcomed the proposal; she expressed appreciation for the presentation and the report referenced in it. She volunteered to provide the secretariat to the new group.

34. The representative of France supported the preoccupations of the United Kingdom and supported the proposal. He felt important that it is known that WP.29 and the UNECE Sustainable Transport Division is addressing the topic. He supported the idea to define the objective of the new group.

35. The representative of the United States of America recommended to continue discussions on AI at WP.29. She noted that without a specific list of objectives, needs and activities, the United States of America would not be in a position to support the establishment of a new working group. She understood the enthusiasm generated by the idea to address the topic holistically but advised WP.29 to take it slow and step-by-step in developing a full UN regulatory Framework would be premature, noting that the technology was still in development. She supported the idea to create an inventory of standards and initiatives that relate to vehicle and to vehicle safety as a future possible activity of WP.29.

36. The representative of OICA recommended that, if a new IWG is established, the objective would not be to develop new requirements in addition to existing horizontal requirements already in place, but instead, would be to consider the horizontal regulations at national and regional levels as input for harmonization and to translate them into provisions applicable for automotive sector for the purpose of harmonization. He stressed the need for a clear commitment by the Contracting Parties to participate, bring their input, and be ready to define harmonized requirements/guidelines for the automotive sector. He supported that IEEE provides the secretariat to the new group, if any.

37. The representative of AAPC, Secretary to the IWG on ADS, confirmed that the WP.29 guidelines on ADS safety (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2024/39) included consideration on Artificial Intelligence with regard to ADS development and virtual testing. He advised WP.29 to make sure that the efforts of the new group would be complementary to existing groups and would not create duplications.

38. The representative of SAE International noted that SAE International would be available to be Co-Secretary to the new group.

39. WP.29 invited interested parties to liaise and consider the objectives that a new IWG on AI would address and to resume consideration of this topic in March 2025.

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