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UN R86: Proposal for a draft amendment
Document GRE/2023/12
7 August 2023

Proposal to address vehicles of categories R or T with a width more than 2.55 m and of category S with a width more than 3 m as well as to allow using reflective materials as an alternative to retro-reflectors.

Submitted by CEMA
Status: Superseded
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Previous Documents, Discussions, and Outcomes
6. (c) UN Regulation No. 86 (Installation of Lighting and Light-Signalling Devices for Agricultural Vehicles)

21. The expert from CEMA introduced amendment proposals to the 02 and 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 86 which covered agricultural vehicles of any dimensions, brought technical clarifications and provided editorial corrections (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2023/12/Rev.1, ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2024/10, GRE-90-17). A number of experts commented on the documents. GRE adopted the proposals, as amended by GRE-90-32, and requested the secretariat to submit them for consideration and vote at the November 2024 sessions of WP.29 and AC.1 as draft Supplement 2 to the 02 series and draft Supplement 1 to the 03 series of amendments to UN Regulation No. 86.

6. (b) UN Regulation No. 86 (Installation of Lighting and Light-Signalling Devices for Agricultural Vehicles)

26. The expert from CEMA introduced amendment proposals that made editorial corrections, took into account wide vehicles of categories R, T and S and allowed using of reflective materials as an alternative to retro-reflectors (ECE/TRANS/WP.29/GRE/2023/12 and GRE-89-16). The experts from France, Germany, Netherlands, South Africa and EC made a number of comments and reservations on the proposal. To progress, GRE agreed to organize ad hoc expert meetings on UN Regulation No. 86. The Chair of IWG SLR offered to accommodate such meetings in conjunction with future sessions of IWG SLR.

27. The expert from CEMA pointed out the need of vehicle manufacturers for clear rules/guidelines on the installation of special amber warning devices on agricultural vehicles (GRE-89-08). To this end, he proposed the drafting of a new annex to UN Regulation No. 65, similar to the annex to UN Regulation No. 69 on the panels for slow-moving vehicles. Some experts commented and pointed out that currently the installation provisions of special warning lamps are governed by various national rules. GRE concurred with the proposal, on the conditions that the new annex to UN Regulation No. 65 would provide guidelines only and that it would clearly specify the categories of agricultural vehicles.

6. (b) Other Installation UN Regulations

28. The expert from CEMA presented amendment proposals to UN Regulation No. 86 (GRE-88-04 and GRE-88-19) that aimed to introduce:

  • Wider vehicles of categories R, S and T.
  • Reflective materials as an alternative to retroreflectors and side-marker lamps.
  • Amber special warning devices to inform of slow vehicles on the road.
  • Use of manufacturer logos.

29. Following a brief exchange of view, GRE held the view that the special warning lamps should remain in the scope of UN Regulation No. 65 only. GRE also raised doubts about the replacement of retroreflectors and side-marker lamps with reflective materials. The Chair invited CEMA to update their proposals and submit them as a working document to the next session.

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