Proposal to permit crossing of lane markings by ACSF of category B1 to assist the driver in forming an access corridor for emergency and enforcement vehicles in slow-moving traffic (based on provisions adopted for UN R157).
72. The expert from OICA presented GRVA-16-06, with amendments to the provisions on “Automatically Commanded Steering Function (ACSF) of Category B1”, in UN Regulation No. 79, aimed at allowing the type approval of assistance systems helping the driver to form an emergency and enforcement vehicles lane in the case of heavy traffic. He detailed that such systems already obtained approval on the basis of a national exemption.
73. The expert from Japan proposed that such system would be covered by the Risk Mitigation Function (RMF) provisions.
74. The expert from France proposed to develop the safety and validation provisions for such systems.
75. The expert from OICA stated that the safety would be covered by Annex 6.
76. The expert from the United States of America inquired whether other countries granted an exemption for such system in another region of the world.
77. The expert from Norway reported that the traffic rules of his country did not request the building of a corridor for emergency vehicles.
78. The expert from Germany recognised that traffic rules differ among countries in this specific case and proposed to elaborate on two cases, (a) in slow moving traffic and (b) in emergency cases.
79. The expert from UK referred to the Level 3 technology, required to perform the Dynamic Driving Task and to comply with traffic rules. He wondered, in the case of assistance systems, what would be the driver’s responsibility when using this function and what was the safety case here. He stated that the DCAS provisions would be probably more appropriate for such a function.
80. The expert from Switzerland stated that such system could provide benefits in his country given the existing traffic rules and its poor implementation by drivers.
81. The expert from OICA volunteered to prepare a revised proposal addressing the comments received.